Liven Up Your Home With Custom Framing This Spring!

Spring is about new growth and renewal. What better time of year to start fresh with some updates to your home? And the best part is, it doesn’t take a lot of time or money to achieve this. With just a few simple, easy changes, you can create a new space that you’ll fall in love with.

May blog 1Hang a collection

Take those old collector’s items and put them on display! They’ll turn into eye-catching ornaments you never knew you had.





May blog 2Switch out an art piece

Swap one art piece with another, add some new throw pillows to match, and voila! You’ve got a whole new room.



May blog 3Mix it up

Mix different materials and textures to give a room more depth.



May blog 4Brighten it up

Introduce some color onto your walls, like this blue that is both versatile and neutral.



May blog 5Put a mirror to good use

Position a custom-framed mirror so it reflects a window with a view, giving the room more light.




There you have it! With just a few tweaks, you can make some beautiful updates to your home. Bring it on, spring cleaning.

Do you have more ideas? Share them with us in the comments, or better yet, with a photo on our Facebook page!

1 Comment on “Liven Up Your Home With Custom Framing This Spring!

  1. It really helped when you said that positioning a custom-framed mirror will reflect a window with a view, thus giving the room more light. I am going to try it at home, particularly in the living room. And yes, I fell in love with the tips and images you have provided here, a huge thumbs up for you!

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