Support the Local Family Resource Center with Cocktails and Fine Photography!

Key points:

– The Family Resource Center’s mission is “to strengthen and support family relationships by serving as the Central Oregon ‘HUB’ for parenting education, information and resources.”

– Attend the “A Vision for Families” fine photography silent auction and cocktail soirée to help a great local organization achieve its goals!

Twilight Fire by Bruce Jackson
Twilight Fire by Bruce Jackson

“Because kids don’t come with instructions”

This is the simple statement that The Family Resource Center of Central Oregon (FRC) uses to describe its mission. It was founded in the early 1990s as the result of a community-based grassroots effort to assist families in the difficult job of parenting. The group partners with community organizations, private foundations, public agencies, and individual donors to provide low cost parenting education programs twelve months a year in multiple community locations.

The goal is to focus on prevention. The group publishes a book each year, categorizing and describing resources available in the community. It is the local hub for the 211 service, which people can call to get connected to services.

The FRC also provides a rotating collection of nine research-based classes, as well as a handful of workshops. Many of the issues facing parents include sibling rivalry, conflict at bedtime, tantrums, defiance and more. Parents also learn to slow down, to take care of themselves and to get down and talk on the kid’s level.

How you can help

The annual budget for the FRC is about $350,000. The funding comes from private donations, as well as private and public grants; but the overall budget has diminished by about 20 percent in recent years.

Join us this Friday at “A Vision for Families: Fine Photography Silent Auction and Cocktail Soirée” to benefit our friends at the local Family Resource Center! There will be hors d’oeuvres, live entertainment, and raffle prizes. May 9, 2014 from 5:30-7:30pm at The Riverhouse Convention Center. Admission is $35 per person and $65 per couple. For information, call (541) 389-5468 or email

We’ll see you there!


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